About Us

Mixed Breads was created to search and inform the dog lovers around the world, how to keep your dog living longer, healthier and happier lives. Mental stimulation has been shown to extend a dogs life. Not only does your dog want to please you, but they’re happy when they have a purpose, or a job to do. Mixed breads focuses on selling as many products and toys that offer problem solving activities and mental stimulation. A dog is a valued family member and you want them to get the most enjoyment possible out of life. Teaching them new tricks, providing mentally stimulating problem-solving games, and introducing different toys are just a few things you can do to create more interest in their day. A busy dog is a good dog. Did you know the longest living dog on record lived to be 30 years old and 266 days? But how? I'm sure many things where involved, but if their was a toy or a simple thing like a pet bowl that can keep your dog living a longer and healthier life wouldn't you try it? Of course there are many thing's you can do to increase your pet's life but let's start with a toy. Interactive toy's and slow feeding bowl's have been shown to increase a pets' life. Interactive toy's give your pet something to do, a bored dog will find something to do. Toy's that can be stuffed with food will keep a dog entertained for hour's. Slow feeder's are becoming more and more popular. These bowl's are simply a healthier alternative then just feeding your pet out of a regular bowl. Most pet owner's don't hand feed and most dog's eat fast. Unfortunately, eating so quickly can be quite dangerous for our dog's. First, they can choke, which is life-threatening. Gagging on their food will often result in vomiting and discomfort. When dog's eat too fast, they don’t always chew their food thoroughly, which can lead to inhaled pieces getting stuck in their throat. Second, eating quickly increases the risk of a serious medical condition called bloat.  When a dog eats too fast, they also gulp down an excessive amount of air. This causes a dogs stomach to expand. Not only is bloat uncomfortable, but it can be life-threatening. As the stomach expands, it can twist, making it impossible for anything to pass through the stomach to the intestines. If this occurs, the animal can go into shock and die. Without immediate treatment, other organs can become compromised, along with blood flow to the heart. Ultimately, the stomach will rupture. As you can see a simple thing like eating can become life threatening, what a slow feeder does is just that. It decreases the speed of your pets feeding time drastically. Giving your pet a challenge while they eat which then becomes a reward in itself. Dog's are natural foragers, they love to use their nose and simply work to receive their food. I hope this helped understand why i'm so passionate about spreading this message and why it's so important. Thank you for reading let's make a difference !